Life has been treating me good all this while, still got some family issues tapi those are expected and i'm trying my best to solve it. be honest, not that I can solve it pun, just pray for the best. Oh ya sekarang masih mood raya. This year's raya was a hectic one. Amin's friend keep coming to our house from 1st raya until the 4th or the 5th (cannot recall).. They even came until late nite.. Being me yang bila aku dah stress sangat aku sound je, I told him, "dalam agama pun ada adab nya bila nak menziarah rumah orang. Kalau sampai ke tengah malam tu, dah kurang adab namanya.." hehe.. try to refrain myself from using the word 'kurang ajar' to his friends.
Back to Kajang with my obsession toward lemang. Kena pulak ada orang jual lemang yang sangat yummy kat Bangi, i bought 2 stick and sampai sekarang still ada lagi dalam fridge. And I cooked my own serunding ayam (after the one that mama packed for me finished) to be eaten with the lemang.. Gemuksss gemuksss...dengan pulut, dengan rendang ayam santan sekotak tu.. huhuuuu... Takpe lah, abis je sebulan raya ni janji diet!
Last Friday i managed to go to Matta fair. Saja nak tengok2 as that was my first time ever joining the crowd in Matta fair. Tapi sebab aku pegi Jumaat (after office hour) so tak ramai sgt la org. Still ramai but in the sense takde la sampai tak boleh bergerak lansung. The tour package price memang not bad and attractive, tapi aku takde la plan nak travel jauh2.. Poket pun koyak so macam mana nak plan to go London ke (I miss London!), Australia ke... Aku just nak pegi Phuket je tapi bila calculate back, x banyak different pun pegi Phuket on my own arrangement compare to Matta fair price. Maybe sebab short distance so diaorg tak highlight kan sangat.
Phuket is addictive I tell you! I been there last year, my solo tour.. The people, the food, the environment, it makes you feel at home. Aku memang takde masalah masa kat sana even when I first arrived, my luggage didn't arrived with me! Panicked for one second tapi bila airport officer yang attended my case tu was so cute, terus hilang panic.. And it's true when they said Phuket is safe for a woman, maybe not for a guy. Even aku jalan sorang diri pukul 12 kat sana pun nobody cares, tapi yang aku dengar if a guy jalan sorang diri, ada possibility nak kena tarik by a hooker or gayboy kt sana...hehehe.. orang kata ya... Cuma nya bila kat sana one thing yang tak larat nak tepis bila the locals always spoke in Thai language with me. They said I look like locals.. hmm..sah2 la aku dari Malaysia kan, muka pun photocopy je la..
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