When we talked about iPhone (put aside its 3G, or 3Gs or my (current) one and only dreams 4G), most people will definitely relate it to the ability of connecting via Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo messenger and other current well-known social tools. No doubt on that, with iPhone, your friends and family are only one touch away (via facebook of course! Duh!).
I'll let the rest of the world talked about FB, Twitter, YM etc. etc. because now I want to talk (write?) about other cool (the youngster now spell it as 'KEWL', I felt old already.. :'( tsk...) application available in the iTunes App Store.

Lets start with some of my favourite Apps!
1. Whatsapps

This apps is one of 'must have' item in my iPhone application lists. It works like other chatting application but the best part is because it has this push notification. Even when I close the application, I will still be notified whenever my friend send me a message via Whatsapps. And the coolest thing is, it will automatically add my friends (whoever in my contact list) who also use this application either with their iPhone or BB. So, I don't have to ask each and every person whether they use Whatsapps or not because if you use it and I have your number, definitely we'll be Whatsapps Dude...or Whatsapps Gal...hehehe... And it works via internet.. hey presto, save your bill on the sms charges.. and no worries on the data charges..you're using DIGI remember?? Unlimited dude...unlimited!
2. Mopho

Okay.. I'm not a camwhore in the sense that I don't really fancy taking my own picture (in other word, in denial.. don't want to see myself in this fatty 'suit'!) but I loveeeee taking photo of what around me, my cooking (my cooking experiment..or try and error.. to be exact!), the traffic jam that I'm caught in and etc. etc. And I love upload it into my Facebook page. But its a bit troublesome right, to first capture the picture with camera, then log into FB, upload the picture so that all your friends can comment and laugh on it. That's why I love Mopho. Using Mopho I can capture the picture that I like and automatically upload it into my FB. Just in one application! And not only my FB friends can comment and laugh on my picture, I also used to get compliment from a Minah Saleh (english woman) that I have no idea who she is, where she comes from, on my murtabak maggie picture that I captured via Mopho. You dunno what is murtabak maggie? Go google!
3. Games
I will have a longgg list of this. Whatever games you want, just search in iTunes App store, you'll surely find it. I enjoy lots of games such as Unblocked Me, Angry Bird, Spill Da Milk, Farm Frenzy, Diner Dash... and the list will go on and on and on... I get bored with one game easily.. but I have iTunes App Store, thousand games are there so I can download a new one (in a blink of eyes.. *wink*) anytime I want.
There's so much more applications that I really enjoyed with iPhone. Let it be for Receipe, Travel, writing a diary, writing a blog..I will drain myself if I continue writing about each and every one of it.
Hmm... didn't I warn you don't make me start with the iPhone Apps on my first entry before?
this entry make u sound like very technical and updated person..i envy u lah :P
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