My weekend as usual kind of hectic but this time got lots of stories to be kept in my mind.. Early Saturday morning (which is real early.. 3 am!!) in Alor Setar with Shafrina was such a hysterical moment.. we end up gelak besar when everything end. Okay.. orang lain takkan faham.. those involved je akan faham citer ni.. Just for me to remember anyway.. Moral of the story, jangan main redah je masuk hotel specially hotel murah berharga RM50.60 coz end up you will just managed to stay for 5 minutes coz tak sanggup tgk bedsheet yang kaler kelabu dan berabuk mcm nak rak!! And if someone suggest you to stay in Grand Jubilee Hotel, Alor Setar... seriously, run!!!!

Pada harga RM50.60 memang la tak dapat hotel cantik macam ni, tapi jangan la bagi rumah hantu!!
Last week still durian feast for me.. seriously aku dah insaf tak nak makan durian lagi dah tahun ni.. next year pulak.. Gua dah rasa bloated gila.. Macam katak perut kembung yang nak pecah! And the worse thing is on Sunday, aku makan durian yang banyak (x yah la mention the actual quantity), and that nite aku supposed coming back to KL, tapi hanya separuh jalan perjalanan coz headache attack and I seriously can't drive. The solution is aku patah balik umah and tido. Luckily, aku memang cuti on Monday, just that at first i thought of spending the off-day here in my apartment. Tapi kalau nak melihat dari sudut positive, bila headache aku drive 50 km/j je.. sampai terfikir bila la nak sampai umah drive slow mcm ni.
Durian?? No more!!! Say no to DURIAN!!! Durian kills u!! Durian yummy!!!
Oh yeaa.. gua sudah menonton Transformers! Actually aku bukan lah 'kipas susah mati' movie ni pun, even yg 1st aku tgk kat HBO je, tapi sbb semua orang asyik ckp pasal Transformers je rasa left out lak kalau tak tengok. Dan effectnya, kat hiway aku rasa mcm semua keta nak transform jadi robot.. And terlintas di fikiran, BANYAKNYA OPTIMUS PRIME... bila kat atas hiway tu penuh dengan lori kontena...hehehehe
This weekend something yang aku tunggu2 will happen.. tak sabarnya... Hmm..who knows this might start a new chapter in my life kan... chewahhh angan-angan!!
eh, year 1993 kot tak salah, aku hantar adik aku balik jitra kena tido somewhere in alor star, dia nyer hotel (ke motel ntah) series spooky. Ngan cadar berkeladak, cermin bilik air dia yang jenis muka ko tetiba jadi lonjong, jadi panjang. terus kitorang keluar cari hotel lain
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